Sep 15, 2022 Camille A. Hanard
Crypto Gibraltar - DLT business meets the metaverse
The Crypto Gibraltar Festival 2022 takes place from 22nd to 24th September and will bring together the crypto business world and the metaverse.
Pete Burgess, the organiser of the festival says: “ Gibraltar’s foundation as a financial jurisdiction is regulation - often seen as old world - but Gibraltar is also an enabler and hotbed of cutting edge innovation, particularly in the payments sector.
“The main reason people attend conferences is to connect.” says Burgess. “Crypto Gibraltar is primarily a networking event and is structured to facilitate that. We have two half-days of serious conference sessions with a fantastic line-up of over 40 speakers, but we also have a purpose-built networking lounge and we create enough time periods during the day for people to make productive use of it.”
Crypto Gibraltar also makes sure that delegates enjoy their evenings as well.
“We're going to create an immersive metaverse experience where we will stream DJs performing in Jenr8 – the meta club in decentraland - but into the real world.” Burgess says. “ We're working with DJenerates - the premiere NFT collection celebrating Electronic Music and featuring world class DJs & artists from the TOP 100 DJ list - and to finish we're also going to have Hipworth - the founder of this business who incidentally is also an NFT artist - he's going to play live.”
Crypto Gibraltar is a must-attend event for anyone serious about the business of crypto.
For tickets please visit www.cryptogib.gi
Telegram: Crypto Gibraltar 22-24.9.2022
Instagram: @cryptogibfestival
Linkedin: https://bit.ly/3mCcRJw
Facebook: @cryptogibfestival